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Michael Passons
Cherie Paliotta
Janna Potter
Jody McBrayer

Bi-Weekly Features
Hall Of Fame

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In Concert
Christmas Celebration
The Factory

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Message Board
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On Tour
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Who Sings What

Nikki Hassman
Farewell Nikki
Unofficial Web Site

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Hello all. I wanted to write this little note to let you all know that I am leaving to go to another city to do some business and I won't be able to update the site for a while. I am not exactly sure until when. But most likely over a month. It all just depends. I may be able to update before then, but I doubt it. Until then, I am leaving the Trivia and Poll both open for you all who haven't voted or sent in your answer to do so! :-) I will update those things when I am able too! Thanks everyone for your patience! God Bless!!

- Courtney 10/03/99
Michael playing piano at this past Wednesday's concert

Site last updated:
September 23, 1999
(Check Updates Page)

Photo Using
Okay, I have decided that there will be no more taking photos from this site. Why? Because I spend too much time scanning, cropping, editing, etc on these photos. And since there are alot of Avalon sites starting to come out, I decided this was best. I just want my photos to be exclusively to my site and not have them all over the Internet. The only way you may download these is if you are using them for your personal use on your computer (like for a wallpaper [example]), but they are not to be used online anywhere at anytime. Thank you. :-)
Welcome everyone!! To my dedication to the best CCM group around! AVALON!! This web site has been online for one year this May. I am very proud of it and plan on continuing it as long as the Lord wills. I totally enjoy working on it and I think it's the least I can do to show my appreciation to Janna, Cherie, Michael and Jody! I love you guys!

If you'd like to read why this site is here, please click here to read this note from the webmaster.

New Avalon Book from CCM...
Avalon will be the subject of the first book in the "CCM Lifelines" series which are gift books on Christian artists (ala People Magazine's new celebrity books). The book will feature the history of Avalon, a look at each of the members, funny stories from the road along with lots of personal photos. Look for the book to hit stores in October.

The "A" Tour
Here is a scan of the advertisement for the "A" tour. (Click the picture to see larger version.) If you'd like more dates on this tour, please Click Here.

Nikki News
It doesn't look like Nikki will be coming out with her new album until January. If you'd like to read a letter from her, visit the official site and then in FAQ you will find it. :-)

Webmaster: Courtney Sehon, avalonfanpage@fcmail.com
This site has been online since: May 1998

since the new look.

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Anything and everything on this site is Copyright © 1999 Courtney Sehon and may not be used without permission. This is an unofficial Avalon web site and I am NOT Avalon so please don't email me for Avalon. Their official web site is www.avalonlive.com. This site is just a site dedicated first of all to AVALON and secondly to their fans. Thanks. God Bless and may you Testify To Love! :-)